Monday, July 18, 2011

Father Edmond M. DePauw

My next article in the Chateaugay Historical Society quarterly newsletter will be the story of Father DePauw, a Flemish priest who came to America as a missionary.  He became the first permanent pastor of St. Patrick's Church in Chateaugay when it was established as an independent parish in 1863.  He served as pastor for 26 years, resigning in 1889 to return to his native Belgium.

His time in Chateaugay was marked by the tremendous growth of the local parish.  The congregation grew, the parish prospered, Father DePauw kept the company of high ranking officials in the Curia in Rome, befriended a nationally prominent, vocal, conservative, Catholic activist and led the local temperance efforts in town.

In all, a fascinating and complicated man who played a major role in the religious history of Chateaugay. 

To get the full story, check out the complete article that will be in the Fall issue of the Historical Society newsletter.  If you are not yet a member; $15 for individuals, $10 for seniors and students or $25 for families will buy a membership and guarantee the delivery of all four issues of our 16 page newsletters each year.

Check  out the Historical Society in the Archival Room of the Chateaugay Memorial Library.  We are open each Wednesday afternoon from 1-4 and each Saturday morning from 9-12 through October. Late Fall and Winter hours are by appointment.

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