Thursday, January 27, 2011

Edmund 1st King of England 922-946

Edmund the 1st was also called "the Magnificent".  He is my 31st great grandfather; connected through the Bruso, Welch and Stark families.  He ruled from 940 (when he was only 18 years old) until his untimely death in 946 when he was killed while holding royal court at Pucklechurch in Gloustershire.  A previously banished outlaw named Leofa had entered the church, intent on escaping discovery among the many courtiers who were there . When Leofa was discovered, an altercation ensued as the royal guard was attempting to take him into custody.   Edmund intervened in the struggle and  was stabbed in the stomach.  He died almost immediately.  Some accounts say that he managed to kill Leofa before he died.

In 938, as a sixteen year old, he had ridden with his half-brother, King Athelstan, into northern England to do battle with the invading Vikings.  Edmund commanded part of his brother's army during the fighting.  Eventually, they defeated the Norse army at the Battle of Brunanburgh, effectively uniting England.  Two years later, Edmund became king upon the death of Athelstan

He was considered to have been a strong monarch; a harsh but fair ruler who strengthened the unity of Anglo Saxon England.  His violent death at Pucklechurch ended his reign after only 6 years.

He was the father of two future kings of England; Edwig and Edgar the Peacemaker.

Edmund was buried at Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset, England.  This Abbey is traditionally considered to be the oldest above-ground Christian church in the world.  This part of England is the location of Avalon, the mystical kingdom of King Arthur.  Legend has it that the site of the Abbey is where Joseph of Arimethea came during his visit in 63A.D. carrying the Holy Grail.

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